Stupid marketing words

A long time ago when online content was called “new media,” I was working for an agency that was on the cutting edge of the way new economy. I was even doing my own website that often made fun of the agency and marketing jargon of those days. Remember Pigdump? Of course you do/don’t.

During one meeting to strategize a plan for a client, our account executive suggested we do some viral marketing. Everyone nodded their heads, thinking, yes, a viral campaign would be good for this client. Puzzled, I asked, “Isn’t that a little dodgy? Are you saying we should create a computer virus and send it to customers in an email?” Of course I got laughed out of the room.

Fast forward about 10 years, and again I was sitting in a creative brainstorming meeting with another agency. We needed to come up with something that would win us the business, as we were making a pitch. “Let’s be really crazy and do an anti-pitch to be ironic. We’ll get their attention. Let’s disrupt the status quo.”

Fast forward another 10 years and here I am. Sitting in my cabin on Stewart Lake. Being disrupted by a virus. In every way. It just got me thinking about words and how we use them and how ironic everything is these days in my life.  I was a pioneer in the “new media” world. I am a pioneer again. We all are. And I miss doing my daily updates. So this.

And I have clean clothes.

Clothes line On a deck