First I start a blog to celebrate living up at the cottage. I make light of the fact that I’m “between contracts.” That I might be heading toward eating cat food to survive as “I’m still between contracts.” I call myself the oldest millennial in the world, getting short gigs, sleeping on people’s spare beds as I do the bits and pieces of work in the city I moved away from…
Well this is a little embarrassing.
I got a contract. For a full year. Not really able to work from home. Because it’s in the CBC Music department and they expect their people to be in the office everyday. I’m good with that. This is my old place of work. I had two different tours of duty with the CEEB, so it feels like coming home. Again.
Which brings me to this…home.
My home at the cottage? My home at the rented AirBnB in the junction? I think wherever I lay my cat is home…
My cats get looked after at the cottage when I’m away in the city. I have some fabulous MacTier neighbours, Ron and Margarete, and Bill and Gail. What would I do without such a great community? I really feel connected. I survived a frickin’ awful winter. And then I finally got a contract. A really good one. Doing cool things that millennials do (but with so much extra experience and grey hair.)
And so, do I move my cats down here? They will hate not having the great outdoors to look at and stroll through (on their leashes, of course.) But I know they really miss me when I’m away, and I them. They are seriously velcroed to my legs for the weekend when I’m back. And sleeping on my chest.
So I am going to try to move them. I still believe the cottage is my home. Yes it is. And I will still be blogging about it and about living between… it’s funny. All my blog posts have come together: Millennial me, gig economy, CBC radio… I hope you’ll stay tuned!