Radio girl in the time of COVID19

Some of you know, but some of you don’t, I do a little podcast with an old fiddle friend of mine in Toronto. We started it about two years ago just for fun. Definitely not Peabody-worthy, but we have a lot of fun doing it.

log for sandwiched podcast

We took a few months off over the winter, but then this damn Covid19 hit. We started yapping with each other a lot over the phone, talking about our parents being in retirement facilities and all the worries that come with that. So we started up again, using Zoom, and we chat, and gab, and sing (badly – it’s ok, you can fast forward it!) We also tell people’s stories of what they’re going through, the ups, the downs, the funny things that happen in the seniors line up at Costco…

Anyway, feel free to listen. It does this former radio girl’s heart good to be working with audio again. Even if the quality is crappy and we sometimes sing “Oklahoma…”

As for cottage updates… I saw some Bufflehead ducks today! Also the ice is totally out in my bay but not everywhere else. I started stacking the wood. I got stung by a bug unseen while bringing my laundry in. So pretty much normal. Let’s see what happens tomorrow!