The most wonderful time of the year

Most will argue that summer is the prime season for living at the cottage.

Nope. Definitely not.

It’s the fall. Autumn. Whatever you call it. It’s no bugs, next to no humidity, fewer cottagers and boats. And mostly, it’s colourful!

mirror-like lake in autumn with coloured leaves on trees

It’s funny…every year at around this time, I think I say, “Man, the colours just aren’t as bright this year.” I always think September should be the prime. I even did a collage of September colours every day one year thinking I’d capture the best of it:

montage of scenery shots

Now that year, truly it was September that saw all the changes. This year? Not so much. Here’s a picture from the September 22nd of this year:

Scene of trees on a lake

Not even close! But I think the year of the montage was an anomaly.

So why am I even showing pictures now?

Because they are about to explode with colour! mark my words! I will post some pictures from this upcoming Thanksgiving weekend (I’d show you today but it’s raining and a bit grey) and you will be amazed. And while you wait, take a look at a little autumn gallery I put together. More pics to be added as the colours change.

Thanks and stay tuned!